The International Institute of Technology I²T is a research Institute established in Switzerland in 2023 with branches all over the World connecting ideas and intellects Worldwide. This Institute is adding to the outstanding scientific capabilities of Prof. Francesco Zanini to the outstanding financial and economic connections that Dr. Campisi developed in his 50 years career, first as Director at the Ministry of Finance in Milan, then as an Expert Accountant and International auditor.
The Heart of our Institute is the academic collaboration with leading universities from all over the World. Prof. Zanini has written hundreds of articles and publications that are still referenced as authoritative works regarding state of the art innovations in the semiconductor industry. Prof. Francesco Zanini with Commendator Luis Campisi are signing agreements with Companies, Governments and Institutions. The I²T Institute works with fellow institutes and major industrial groups Worldwide, giving its clients access to cutting edge research + state of the art products.
In I2T Prof. Zanini is directing a team of proven scientists, engineers, and technicians in a very innovative way. Our Mission is to make renewable energies constant over time and create technologies for a sustainable World. The new approach is combining Einstein’s Relativity Theory with Quantum Physics and Materials Engineering. This has resulted in game changing discoveries in the fields of solar power generation + improved mechanical and user efficiencies in many areas of Technology.
I²T’s Technology is patented Worldwide and exploitation rights are then given then to structured companies for mass production. A large proportion of I²T profits are re-invested to push our Technologies forward. Our Partners in Korea, China, Japan, Switzerland, California, UK, Italy and France are successfully helping us in our Mission. Technology is commercialized only by authorized partners. Partners must sell the products providing a full service to end customers. The policy of our Institute is to avoid price speculation on the products done by the resale of the asset. The result is a proven technology that goes from the manufacturer directly to the end customer by means of an installation company that is selected in accordance with our values of experience and integrity.
Government Relations
Dott. Gilles Savoye – Président de GSCi
Dott. Comm. Paolo Picco – Presidente Federidroelettrica – Membro Commissione Sostenibilità CNDCEC – Referente Direzione Generale Energia UE.
Ambassadeur Camille Bounama – Counseiller General Afrique de l’Ouest – Envoyé Spécial Président de la République de Sierra Leone, Président General Smart City Africa